Tuesday, February 17, 2009


so i realized yesterday that in a super-weird, musical-theatre-obsessed way, my life has come full circle.

in junior high, my mom and i discovered forbidden broadway. back in those days, she was my only broadway buddy, as i grew up in a rural area where sports and academics were the hip things to be into. so we got all into this forbidden broadway cast recording, and she and i would cackle about it all day long, but no one else had the vaguest idea what i was talking about when i would try to explain it to them. i would be met with blank stares and a lack of interest if i even tried to describe the hilarious brilliance of the whole thing.

so yesterday on the way to the bus during our travel day, tony (our darling diego) quotes the Chita-Rita West Side Story spoof from Forbidden Broadway Volume 2, and i freak out. we went on a quoting spree and made everyone sitting near us on the bus listen to the track. and it probably sounds thoroughly stupid, but i was so happy to be surrounded by people who know and appreciate what i love and find valuable. this is what i've wanted forever, and every once in a while i look up and realize that i've gotten it. i'm sort of living my dream a little bit, even if it took forbidden broadway to call it to my attention.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


okay, seriously, if i have to sit through one more meal during which people eat with their mouths open and smack their food, i will sincerely punch someone in the face. WHY IS THIS OKAY??? i can't deal with knowing what's in your mouth, and what it sounds like in there. keep it under wraps. where is your mother? who taught you that this is okay? stop smacking, stop sighing, stop moaning, and close your mouth. i want to hear you speak, not hear all the inner workings of the start of your digestive system.

maybe i'm a little on edge. but even on my best day, this would make me crazier than crazy.

stop it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

woah. betcha didn't know i had this in me...

*content removed and stored in an airtight vault...  i don't care that much any more.
