Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nails, Weather, and Weddings

First of all, I'm currently wearing a nail polish color called Wham, Bam, Glam.  I thoroughly enjoy this fact.

Secondly, I'm loving this Fall weather -- even though I'm a little scared that we're either heading for another hot spell or instant Winter.  But right now?  Perfect.  So I'm choosing to live for right now.

And finally, the real point of this post.  A few of my old students have recently become engaged, and it's so crazy to me that we're all going through this experience at the same time.  It's just so interesting to me the way that life works out -- I never, ever could have imagined getting married before this point in my life.  I've experienced enough to fill a lifetime:  had two successful careers, lived on two coasts, traveled & worked abroad, and on and on.  But that's not the interesting part.  The interesting part is that in their lives, this is the right time for my students as well, and whatever experiences they've had up to this point have left them feeling prepared and ready to take this next step.

I don't think I'm being quite as eloquent as I could be here, but what I mean to say is this:  Life has a way of putting you where you need to be when you need to be there, if you're living right.  All of my love and congrats go out to my sweet students for this exciting time, and I'm so glad that we're all right where we need to be.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Lovely Indeed

Here's the new blog!  It's really what's inspiring me right now, so head on over and take a look if you're into it.  But I'll still be over here now and again as well, whenever something is too crazy not to share!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Up in the Air

I’m on a flight. Again. And I have a few things to say.

1. I can’t sleep on planes. And it’s not because I can’t get comfortable. It’s because anytime there’s even the slightest bump or bit of turbulence, I am absolutely positive that we’re in dire peril. This is a recent occurrence. I used to love to fly.

2. A pushy lady boarded late, saw that there was an insufficient amount of overhead storage space left, and immediately became incensed. She turned to a flight attendant and said, “I need SPACE.” …Honey, we all need space.

3. Club soda with lime is my new in-flight drink of choice.

4. I just spilled half a glass of club soda with lime down my front.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rings on Her Fingers and Bells on Her Toes.

Soooo....  I'm engaged.  And it's kind of awesome.  I've been hesitant to blog about it, because it seems kind of personal, and I'm a little bashful.  And while it seems like I divulge a lot of personal information on my blog, if you read some backposts, you'll realize that it's not exactly information.  It's more like...  opinion.  Or musings.  Or rantings.  But never really personal stuff.  So there you go.

However!  That having been said, my engagement has been a completely inspirational thing in my life!  I've been all over the internet and I've come across some really beautiful style, design, event, and do-it-yourself blogs that have totally blown my mind.  So I made the decision to chronicle our engagement in another blog, vis-a-vis all of the DIY projects that I'm planning to include in our wedding.  My hope is that even after the wedding, the blog will continue and I can keep posting projects and creative, inspirational-type stuff!

So long story short:  keep coming here to get into my head (all 14 of you that are subscribers...), and keep an eye out for a new blog if you're interested in the rest of it!  Be assured that I'll let you know when it's up and running.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Closings, Planes, and Good Sounds.

So here I am, in Denver, on my second layover of the day, almost home to California.  I will have been in four states by 1 p.m. today; that may not be a personal record, but it's pretty darn close.  Cowgirls closed last night, and, I have to say, it was kind of the perfect little package of a show.  Open long enough to explore some things with some amazing actors, and closed soon enough that no one got bored or went crazy.  Mostly.  It's an experience for which I'm extremely thankful.

Anyhoo, that's why I am on this crazy Montgomery-to-Memphis-to-Denver-to-Sacramento journey; because the show closed, and I'm headed home to have some family time.  And it was on the Memphis to Denver leg that something magical happened.  I had just gotten out my MacBook and turned it on, when, at the same serendipitous moment, the flight attendant asked for my drink order.  I got a Diet Coke and he offered me the whole can.  Then, at the exact same second, my computer chimed its lovely "start-up" chord, and the flight attendant flipped open the pop-top on the Diet Coke.  And I realized that those two sounds make me feel really good.

They just sounded like good things.  You know?  Those sounds that evoke an almost physical reaction because you know they mean something wonderful is coming?  A Diet Coke can opening is one of my favorites.  (And, yes, it sounds different if it's regular Coke.  Not as snappy or fizzy.)  Some of my others:  a tinny-sounding overture on any Original Cast Recording of a musical written and recorded before 1970.  My mom and dad's "hello" when they pick up the phone.  A longboard hitting the pavement when you drop it just before a ride.  Hearing my students sing a chord that would suddenly lock into tune.  My bestie's voice saying she forgot to tell me something huge.  A '57 Chevy starting up.

So, I wanna know -- what are your sounds?  Betcha we have some of the same.


Saturday, June 26, 2010


Ever have something happen that didn't even register at the moment, and then later got under your skin?

The other day I told someone I was a dance swing in a certain show, and the reply was, "Oh, well that explains it.  You're a dancer." 

Excuse me?


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Little Voice

I don't have a big voice.  I learned that in junior high, when I started singing in choir like it was my job.  In high school and college, it got stronger, but no bigger.  Then when I became a teacher it gained an authoritative quality, but it still stayed the same size.  Got to NYC, more training, more depth, but still small.  I'm okay with all this.

During Cowgirls rehearsal, this became the note that I received the most.  Can't hear you, push volume, louder louder louder...  And so I did, and it got better.  But I got to thinking one day, that my literally small voice also is a little figurative. 

I've never been the girl shouting opinions.  When I'm around folks who like to talk, I prefer to listen, rather than try to get a word in edgewise.  I don't like to yell to be heard.  And I fully subscribe to the notion that just because you're screaming, doesn't mean anyone is listening.  So I save my ideas and my voice for the times when there's constructive communication happening. 

Do I have opinions?  You betcha.  Are they strong?  Stronger than you'd think, if you're judging my book by its cover.  But I think that opinions can be valid, whether they're shouted from a rooftop or softly voiced from across the table.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Geographical Kindness

Truth be told, there's never a day that I don't miss California.  And when I'm not in New York, ditto for the city.  But I have to admit, it's been a little bit nice to spend some time in a part of the country where the specialty is being cordial.  Life in Montgomery may settle somewhere a little quieter and slower than I tend to like it, but every single person I've come across here has seemed genuinely kind.  And that's not something you can say for every place you visit. 

There's a sweet elderly man at the gym, who I worked out next to every morning while we were in rehearsals.  After a few days of elliptical training next to each other, he turned to me and said, "You're getting to be a regular here," and smiled.  And went on about his business.  A few days later, when I brought a new book to read, he noticed and commented.  No fuss, no muss, no lengthy chatter.  Just a kind acknowledgment of another person's existence.  Which is nice. 

In the city, people thrive on anonymity.  If you meet someone's eye, you're expected to look away immediately.  And heaven forbid you actually let the corners of your mouth creep up into a smile;  you'll instantly be labeled as either crazy or dangerous. 

But in a place like this, it's nice to settle into a routine of recognizing the people around you and honoring their presence with a simple hello.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Magic People

Editor's (AKA Yours Truly) Note:  This entry previously existed on my Tumblr account.  Bailed from Tumblr.  Didn't want to lose the entry.  Sorry if it's a repeat for some of ya'll.
Have you ever come across one of those people who seems to be magic?  And they live their lives with such passion and love and total abandon that you just get willingly sucked right into their whirlwind of joy?  And they make you feel like you can do it too, and some of their joy gets rubbed off on you, and for a while, you are invincible -- you are kinder, happier, luckier, more peaceful in who you are, find the good in more things, walk with a bounce in your step, and on and on.  And then maybe you don't see them for a while and it fades, but you know that it's there somewhere, if you can just try to find it again.
The thing is, I want to be my own magic person.  I want to be able to find that feeling, and help other people feel it, and make the world better by spreading it all around.  I feel it, right at the end of my fingertips, vibrating like it's tempting me to come and get it.  It sparks up sometimes, and I feel all my feelings and I live in them, and I sing, and I pray (which sometimes are the same thing), and it's the best feeling ever.
And I think everyone is secretly a magic person.  I think it's just a matter of realizing it, and that actually takes practice.  Practice!  Huh.
So that's one of my new goals.  Practice joy.  Cultivate love.  Be magic.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So we're here in Alabama, doing Cowgirls.  And there's a part in the show where I'm in an office for an extended period of time, allegedly working on a breakdown of some numbers, and using a calculator to do so.  Tonight, I was going through the motions, and I was punching in the number 7,493.21.  And for some reason, my finger reached for some unknown button after the 7, trying to find a comma.  And immediately, I was catapulted back in my mind, to my Dad teaching me to use a calculator.  I had always assumed, before I used one, that there would be a button for a comma.  Because how else would you tell the calculator that the number you were about to type in would be more than 999?  My little 8-year-old self was shocked and amazed to learn that calculators put the commas in for you.

And this is what I was thinking about while I was supposed to be acting.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

She's Here!

Last night, June 8, 2010, at ll:43 p.m., Blueberry decided to make her entrance!  What a sneaky little kiddo -- four days early, and upside-down.  But momma and baby are happy, healthy, and already surrounded by lots of love and family.  I wish more than anything I could be there.

Funny how powerful babies are -- they make sisters into aunts, dads into grandpas, moms into grammies, and two regular people into mama and daddy.  Our lives flipped upside down last night, in quite possibly the best way imaginable.

Paige Camille Baker.  7 lbs, 15 oz of wonderfulness and love.


...Never Mind...

Okay, so I gave Tumblr a shot. I mean, i invested.  I posted pictures.  I posted links.  I posted videos.  I blogged.  I did everything a girl could do, and somehow, it just isn't doing it for me.  So I humbly return to my blogspot, apology note in hand, ready to stick around and be at home here.  Forgive me, blogspot.  I've seen the error of my ways.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Moving On.

So while I'm super grateful for my little Blogspot over the last couple of years, I feel like it's time to switch it up a bit. No disrespect, Blogspot, but you can now find me at


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sudoku Champ

Scene: A Train. 125th Street Station. 9:30 p.m.

I'm standing, today's AM New York sudoku in left hand, click-pen in right hand, which is also holding onto the subway pole for balance. Passengers get on, one business-y type girl comes and shares the pole. She looks down at what I'm doing, opens her bag, gets out the same sudoku, and clicks open her own pen.

Naturally, I take this as a challenge.

I write a number. She writes two. I write two. She writes three. (Okay, I had a head start, but she was wearing glasses and carrying a briefcase -- so I'm calling it even.) Two seats open up. I take one. She takes the other. I sneak a peek at her puzzle. She's not even close. HA! Then she starts gaining... I actually feel panic, because I'm stuck and I have to win. HAVE TO. Because that's how I am.

I finally get a break and write down a flurry of numbers.  Just then, at 175th Street, she gets up and leaves.  I recognize this as an obvious forfeit.

Between 175th and 181st -- my stop -- I finish.  And by the power vested in me, I proclaim myself tonight's A Train Sudoku Champion.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today in a Nutshell

Here's an abridged list of some of the feelings I had today.

hopeful scared proud deflated inspired inspiring bummed angry disgusted embarrassed confused false true authentic humbled pious peaceful content disappointed frustrated surprised happy in-charge floaty loving loved pissed annoyed stressed bored boring plain fancy worshipful comfortable open alive joyous nerveous uncomfortable pleased

It's kind of nice to notice your feelings and just kind of be in them. Try it. What do you feel?


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Brotherhood of Man?

I walked out of Chelsea Studios after an audition today, and here's what I saw: Busy street, bunches of people walking fast. A raggedy, (I'm assuming) homeless, African American man, who had scored a half-smoked cigarette off of the ground. He had no way to light it. A white man in an expensive suit walked by, yapping loudly and importantly on an iPhone, with a lit cigarette in his hand. The first guy flagged the second guy down by waving the used cigarette in the air (with some desperation, I might add). The second guy didn't hesitate for a second, pulled over, got his lighter, lit the cigarette (shouting into his phone the whole time), and walked away. They both went back to their business, like it never happened. No words were exchanged.

I didn't know whether my heart should feel full or empty.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reunited, and it Feels So Good

Reunited with who, you ask? Well, darlings, it's not so much a who as a what.  And what it is is a toe ring.

I know, I know, a bunch of you are those people who hate feet and all things feet-related.  And to you fine folks, I say:  stop reading now.  Go google something.  To the rest of you who don't mind foot-type situations, maybe you can hear me out.

In high school, I bought a toe ring in Santa Cruz on a trip with my best girlfriends.  It was perfect.  It was a string-thin silver hoop that tied in a knot around itself.  I put it on my toe.  It stayed there for three years.  Then it broke.  I was never ever able to find another one that I could commit to!  I mean, I don't plan on taking a toe ring off and on and blah blah blah, so it better be good enough to be around long term.  Not too loose, not too tight, nothing flashy, something I can feel on my toes but doesn't pinch, no studs or sparkles or razz-matazz.  Just a toe ring.

Well dears, I found it.  My sis and I were getting mani-pedis in honor of her baby shower (which I'll blog about soon!) the other day, and while drying our tootsies, we found ourselves smack in front of a case of toe rings, with the perfect one inside.  We asked to buy it, they called over a lady who sized my toe (3 1/2, thank you very much), slipped it right on there, and went on her merry way.  My sis even bought it for me, which makes it that much nicer.  :)

And I find now that the feeling of it wiggling between my toes is a comfort somehow.  A comfort!!!  Isn't that weird?  There were a few moments of stress with the baby shower, and each time, I wiggled my toes and felt it there and for some reason remembered that I am still me, and everything is cool.  Like it's my own personal little rebellion or statement or whatever, and I like that it's there.

And so, I'll leave you with this:  what is your thing?  Your thing that may be little, or silly, or unexplainable, or misunderstood by others, or whatever -- but you like it and it makes you feel good, and so it's sticking around.  I wanna know.


Friday, April 2, 2010

For the Record.

Dear You Know Who You Are,



I Would Like to Announce...

...that my darling, brilliant, talented, wonderful boyfriend doesn't know what a peach is. 

Knowing that I'm currently on a fruit and veggie rampage (Spring does it to me every time.  In California, right about now is when the produce frenzy begins.), he took it upon himself to bring me some bananas and some "peaches" home from running errands, because I had been talking about them.  I opened the bag and definitely found bananas, and some weird nectarine hybrid. 

So we had a little chat about the fact that peaches have fuzz, nectarines are a little more red with no fuzz, and plums are... well...  a plum color.  Because he said he didn't know the difference.  And then I hugged him because he's so adorable.

I guess I take being a farmer's daughter for granted sometimes.  Oh, and the nectarine hybrid is delicious anyway.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tales from a Dominican Gym: The Cast

In the midst of my workout today, I had the sudden urge to introduce you to the cast of characters at Jay's Big Gym.  I identify these folks by their outstanding characteristics, hence their descriptive names.  Please note that some of the practices about to be described would be grounds for expulsion from any normal gym; fortunately for us, Jay's doesn't hold itself to any standards of health, sanitation, or normalcy.  Here are our players:

Little Big Legs.  A greasy, roided-up Latino gent, whose calves are about the size of my forearms, and whose quads are about the size of my torso.  I can't stop looking at them.  Also, whenever he talks, he looks like he's screaming.  Sometimes known in my head as Senor Napoleon.

Chiquita Banana.  Works out in full makeup, with long, beautiful, black curls down and perfectly done.  Only walks on the treadmill, and eats fruit while doing it.  Then leaves peels and pitts on the machines.  Once, was eating a banana while flirting with a guy on the next treadmill;  the banana flew out of her mouth mid-sentence.

I'm-a-Boxer.  "Teaches" boxing, although I'm not sure of his credentials.  Today I saw him studying from the Personal Training Manual, which means that he's not certified yet.  Every time I am at the gym, he is there.  Every single time.  All day.  Every day.  Mostly just hanging out.

Mr. Massage.  A trainer at the gym, who massages his clients on the workout mats in the middle of the gym.  With lotion.  For women, he lifts their shirts up and unclips their bras.  The mats don't get wiped down after.  I do not use mats at my gym.

Shoeless Jose.  Prefers to run on the treadmills barefoot.  No one seems to care. 

The Other White Girl.  Self explanatory.

Now, please keep in mind that these are just the leads.  We have an entire ensemble, made up of men who only go to the gym to try to do more pull ups than the other men, and women who only go to the gym to yell across the gym at other women while pretending to do cardio.

All in all, it's a pretty decent show.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Another Audition Saga: Waterproof Mascara, Perhaps?

So Ryan and I had callbacks the other day for a great show at a great regional theatre, which shall go unnamed to protect the poor heroine of my tragic tale, just in case she stumbles on this blog one day.  We were called back to sing and read scenes from this particular show, which was made very clear to us by the casting people when they gave us all the info we needed.  The girls called back for my role were also asked to prepare a specific song on guitar.  Cool right?  Right.  It was great. 

So we're there waiting, along with a bunch of other Ryan-looking boys and Chelsea-looking girls with guitars, and I start chatting with one of the girls.  Turns out she didn't read the callback instructions right, and prepared a random guitar song, rather than the one from the show.  Well, she was off and running.  You could see the terror on her face during the conversation, and shortly after, she was called into the room.

She spends about 3 minutes in the room, comes out, and loud and clear says, "I forgot all the music I practiced on my guitar!"  The room went silent, and everybody turned to stare.  She walked over to her bag, knelt down to get her stuff, and all of a sudden, starts sobbing.  LOUDLY.  Everyone was watching and completely quiet, and here's this crazy girl, bawling out in public, in front of God and everyone (including the audition monitor!), with absolutely no shame.  So what do you do?  You don't just let this poor girl next to you cry away without consoling her, right?  So I got sucked in.  Here's how the convo went:

Me:  "Are you okay, honey?"
Her:  "NO!  (sob sob) I worked really hard on this and they didn't even let me sing anything from the show and I didn't know what song (sob sob) they wanted on the guitar and Iiiiiaaaauuuuugggghhhh..."
Me:  "I know, it sucks, but there are a million auditions next week, and the week after, and the week after that."
Her:  "I know but I worrrrrrrked so HHHHAAAARRRRD! (SOB SOB)"
*Cue two fat black mascara tears, one out of each eye, rolling down her face to her chin.  She let them stay there.*
Me:  "It's okay, you just gotta forget about it and move on."
Helpful guy next to me: "Yeah, don't let it get to you."
*Note that this is really a translation for "Get over it, crazy.  Pull it together and go take a bubble bath."*

So I go to get this hot mess some tissue so she can at least cry in dignity without mascara on her face.  I do that, come back, she thanks me, and marches directly over to the monitor's table.  Inside I was screaming "NOOOOOO!!!!!"  But now I can admit that I sort of wanted to watch the fireworks at this point.  So she gives the whole spiel to the monitor (who couldn't care less), comes back, goes over again and complains some more, comes back, packs up her stuff, and before leaving, goes to the monitor one last time:  "Will you (sob sob sob) tell them (wipe tear, sob) what I said?!?!?" 

I don't know what the monitor replied, but what I do know is that Little Miss Mascara will never, ever work at this unmentioned regional theatre -- EVER.

Keep it together, kids.  And if you can't keep it together, maaaaaybe consider a career change.  Just saying.


Thursday, March 11, 2010


Zipcar's having a contest to win a free ZipTrip and a foldie bike.  Ryan reeeeeally wants a foldie bike, so I figured I'd try to win it for mah mayun.  They're asking people to plan a trip involving the car and the bike, and write an email in, so that's what I did.  And here's what I wrote:

So my boyfriend had this excellent idea.  We were sitting on the A train, heading home after a long day of auditions -- we're both NYC actors, and this particular day was a doozie.  (Doozy?  Doozee?  Doosie?  Whatever.)  We had both been thinking that we need a little refresher, a day out of town, or just a break from the gnarliness of the city.  ANYway, there's a stop on the A (42nd, to be exact) where my Blackberry gets service for about two seconds, and it was fated that I should get your sweet little Zipcar email just at that moment, inviting us to plan the perfect trip for a Zipcar and a folding Montague Bike.  Um, HELLO?!  He's been wanting a folding bike forever, and we love Zipping.  We were stoked.

After a few admittedly lame ideas not even worth recapping, Ryan hit on this:  "What if you just drove me upstate and dropped me off and left?"  Well when ya put it like that, it doesn't sound so great, but the refined version is much better, and here she is:  We take a spring drive to upstate NY for a couple of hours on a sunny day when the leaves are starting to pop out, pick a cool spot, and stop.  Ryan pops the Boston bike out of the trunk and we say goodbye.  He toodles off to explore, and I find a SPA for a couple of hours!  Seriously?  How perfect is this?  I'm thinking a mani, pedi, and a facial should give my sweetie enough time to tire out.  So freshly primped, I'll pick him up, pop the bike back in the trunk, and off to home on our merry way we'll go.

Tell me that doesn't sound great.  I mean, the only way it could be better would be if Zipcar sponsored the spa visit...  (Insert sly smile here.)


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rennovation, Beezies!

I'm stuck in a rut!  A deep, muddy, slushy, snowy, ugly, bumpy, slippery rut!  And that's all there is to it.

But, Chelsea, what does a girl like you do when you're stuck in such descriptive rut, you ask?  Well, I'll tell ya.  MAKEOVERRRRR!

But not like a run-out-to-Bloomie's-with-your-Visa type makeover.  An inner makeover.  (Oooh!  Aaaah!)  You put new music in your book.  You take classes.  You go to lessons.  You do things that you didn't do before because they made you totally uncomfortable.  You stretch your limits until they're new limits and then you stretch those limits, because who ever said that this career was comfortable or easy?  Not I.  And you do all this stuff, and little by little, day by day, you feel a bit more confident and proud of yourself for being your own trainer/cheerleader/teacher/goal-setter/etc. 

So that's where we are.  We're not banging our heads against walls any more, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

I just had a birthday (my 29th, to be exact, and it was pretty fabulous), and one of my cousins sent me a little surprise letter.  I haven't spoken to him in years, and we don't really know each others' deal any more, but at the bottom of the letter, he wrote this:  "The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary."  And I was totally blown away and thankful, because somehow, he knew exactly what I needed to hear to make amazing things happen during my 29th year.

So watch out.  This chickie's on the move.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Keep it together, folks.

So last week we saw Memphis, and I gotta tell ya -- it's a fantastic show.  The dancing is fierce, the music gets you all carried away, and you just wanna rock out all night.  HOWever, I have this to say:  I'm all for private jokes onstage, but please DON'T BREAK CHARACTER.  There was this beautiful moment, major plot revelation, there was awesome acting and singing going on, and they totally had me -- until one of the girls in the ensemble caught another's eye and started laughing inappropriately.  I mean, come on!!!  Do you believe in what you're doing?  Do you know how many girls are lined up behind you, who can do exactly what you can do, and who won't screw around onstage (especially during crucial dramatic moments)?  Tsk, tsk, darlings.  Tsk.  Tsk.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sondheim on a Snow Day

A little genius inspiration from "Sunday in the Park with George."

I chose and my world was shaken -- so what?
The choice may have been mistaken; the choosing was not.
You have to move on.

Stop worrying if your vision is new.
Let others make that decision -- they usually do.
Just keep moving on.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Tales from a Dominican Gym

So I go to Jay's Big Gym.  That's literally the name.  It's me and about 100 burly Dominican men.  Strange things happen there.  Yesterday, I was on the elliptical, and this woman walked up to her locker right in front of my machine.  She opened it, took out rolls and rolls of bubble wrap, turned and asked me in broken English if I had seen a cell phone, put the bubble wrap back in her locker, and left.

I mean, your guess is as good as mine on the bubble wrap.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

You're Not Fooling Anybody...

So there was an audition this morning (Saturday...  gah.) for Fiddler, and it was at Pearl Studios.  I was in the restroom (TMI, I know, but it's pertinent information) and I hear the door open, the sound of clickety-clack heels walking toward the sink, and then the sound of the ridiculously loud hand dryer turn on.  (You know, one of those new crazy turbo blow-your-skin-right-offa-your-hands thingies.)  And then, over the sound of the dryer, the clickety-clacker starts SINGING HER AUDITION SONG.  Are you serious?!?  You came into the bathroom to turn on the dryer so you could vocalize?  I've said it before and I'll say it again:  auditions are so weird.

And in related news, Alicia Silverstone was the absolute MOST in Time Stands Still.  WORK!


Saturday, January 30, 2010

One more for the evening.

For my buddy.

Not as cute as that little Asian kid, but...

What do you do on a Saturday night if you find yourself alone in the apartment?

Learn to play a Jason Mraz song on the ukulele. Clearly.

Monday, January 25, 2010


So we're back in NY, and we don't have jobs, which means we're on the audition bandwagon. I sang at my first audish back in the city this morning, and I felt pretty good about it, all things considered. It's approximately hurricane weather outside, which always makes things difficult (especially when you're supposed to look your fiercest)(fiercest?...sure, it's a word), but my little 100 yen Japanese umbrella and I did just fine.

But here's the thing about auditions. They're more a mindgame than anything. You know, there are the monitors who are really nice, but like to toy with the auditioners by making sassy little comments. There are the lines and the waiting, which, even though far better than the non-eq waiting game, are a little demeaning and just give you time to psych yourself out. There are the primpers, who never stop looking at the mirror; the warmer-uppers, who feel comfortable with fully vocalizing in a room full of other singers refraining from doing the same; the loud-talkers, who want you to know all their business and their entire resume. It's gnarly.

But for me, the sanity-keepers are the one or two other "normal" girls who are usually there too, whose eyes you accidentally catch when one of the weirdos does something wierd, and who share a secret little grin with you before going back to being strangers.

It's a crazy life.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Meet Blueberry!

This here's my niece. Her name right now is Blueberry, coined by yours truly, because when my sis told me she was pregnant, the little one was blueberry-sized. And that's tiny. But here's how big she is now:

I'm planning on being that aunt: the one who has candy and kleenex in her purse, who throws tea parties and does makeovers, and who whisks Bluebs away for a weekend NYC adventure here and there (assuming Mama says yes). It's tricky, this whole "I-live-on-the-east-coast-and-my-family-lives-on-the-west-coast" thing, but I see people make it work all the time, and I am so excited to do all I can to be there for Bluebs and for my sis & bro-in-law.



Friday, January 8, 2010

New Yearsies

So, can I just say that the big 2009-2010 switcharoo was probably my favorite New Year's celebration ever? First of all, I was reunited with my Bestie after the China debacle, and a good time always ensues when Bestos are together. Secondly, we were in Santa Monica, which is such a cool town you can't help but feel the love. Thirdly, we went to a swingin' (yet oddly chill) party at a hip restaurant, which was the perfect place to be. And bringing up the rear is my adorable guy, who always makes me feel like the belle of the ball.

So we drove to SaMo, hung out on the pier for a bit, pre-partied, partied, and slept. The next day we woke up and spent the morning on the beach taking photos of the surfers, the babies playing, and each other, and the weather was flip-flop-flabulous. (Huh?) Then we met back up with Besto and her folks, after a gorgeous drive up the coast and through the canyons. Brunch was Mexican food, and then we hit the road to chill out in Downtown Disney. Follow that up with two days in the parks, sprinkle in a sister and a brother in law (and some fun friends), and that, friends, is the best that a girl could ask for.

Happy New Year to all!
