Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rennovation, Beezies!

I'm stuck in a rut!  A deep, muddy, slushy, snowy, ugly, bumpy, slippery rut!  And that's all there is to it.

But, Chelsea, what does a girl like you do when you're stuck in such descriptive rut, you ask?  Well, I'll tell ya.  MAKEOVERRRRR!

But not like a run-out-to-Bloomie's-with-your-Visa type makeover.  An inner makeover.  (Oooh!  Aaaah!)  You put new music in your book.  You take classes.  You go to lessons.  You do things that you didn't do before because they made you totally uncomfortable.  You stretch your limits until they're new limits and then you stretch those limits, because who ever said that this career was comfortable or easy?  Not I.  And you do all this stuff, and little by little, day by day, you feel a bit more confident and proud of yourself for being your own trainer/cheerleader/teacher/goal-setter/etc. 

So that's where we are.  We're not banging our heads against walls any more, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

I just had a birthday (my 29th, to be exact, and it was pretty fabulous), and one of my cousins sent me a little surprise letter.  I haven't spoken to him in years, and we don't really know each others' deal any more, but at the bottom of the letter, he wrote this:  "The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary."  And I was totally blown away and thankful, because somehow, he knew exactly what I needed to hear to make amazing things happen during my 29th year.

So watch out.  This chickie's on the move.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Keep it together, folks.

So last week we saw Memphis, and I gotta tell ya -- it's a fantastic show.  The dancing is fierce, the music gets you all carried away, and you just wanna rock out all night.  HOWever, I have this to say:  I'm all for private jokes onstage, but please DON'T BREAK CHARACTER.  There was this beautiful moment, major plot revelation, there was awesome acting and singing going on, and they totally had me -- until one of the girls in the ensemble caught another's eye and started laughing inappropriately.  I mean, come on!!!  Do you believe in what you're doing?  Do you know how many girls are lined up behind you, who can do exactly what you can do, and who won't screw around onstage (especially during crucial dramatic moments)?  Tsk, tsk, darlings.  Tsk.  Tsk.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sondheim on a Snow Day

A little genius inspiration from "Sunday in the Park with George."

I chose and my world was shaken -- so what?
The choice may have been mistaken; the choosing was not.
You have to move on.

Stop worrying if your vision is new.
Let others make that decision -- they usually do.
Just keep moving on.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Tales from a Dominican Gym

So I go to Jay's Big Gym.  That's literally the name.  It's me and about 100 burly Dominican men.  Strange things happen there.  Yesterday, I was on the elliptical, and this woman walked up to her locker right in front of my machine.  She opened it, took out rolls and rolls of bubble wrap, turned and asked me in broken English if I had seen a cell phone, put the bubble wrap back in her locker, and left.

I mean, your guess is as good as mine on the bubble wrap.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

You're Not Fooling Anybody...

So there was an audition this morning (Saturday...  gah.) for Fiddler, and it was at Pearl Studios.  I was in the restroom (TMI, I know, but it's pertinent information) and I hear the door open, the sound of clickety-clack heels walking toward the sink, and then the sound of the ridiculously loud hand dryer turn on.  (You know, one of those new crazy turbo blow-your-skin-right-offa-your-hands thingies.)  And then, over the sound of the dryer, the clickety-clacker starts SINGING HER AUDITION SONG.  Are you serious?!?  You came into the bathroom to turn on the dryer so you could vocalize?  I've said it before and I'll say it again:  auditions are so weird.

And in related news, Alicia Silverstone was the absolute MOST in Time Stands Still.  WORK!
