Saturday, February 6, 2010

You're Not Fooling Anybody...

So there was an audition this morning (Saturday...  gah.) for Fiddler, and it was at Pearl Studios.  I was in the restroom (TMI, I know, but it's pertinent information) and I hear the door open, the sound of clickety-clack heels walking toward the sink, and then the sound of the ridiculously loud hand dryer turn on.  (You know, one of those new crazy turbo blow-your-skin-right-offa-your-hands thingies.)  And then, over the sound of the dryer, the clickety-clacker starts SINGING HER AUDITION SONG.  Are you serious?!?  You came into the bathroom to turn on the dryer so you could vocalize?  I've said it before and I'll say it again:  auditions are so weird.

And in related news, Alicia Silverstone was the absolute MOST in Time Stands Still.  WORK!


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