Monday, February 8, 2010

Tales from a Dominican Gym

So I go to Jay's Big Gym.  That's literally the name.  It's me and about 100 burly Dominican men.  Strange things happen there.  Yesterday, I was on the elliptical, and this woman walked up to her locker right in front of my machine.  She opened it, took out rolls and rolls of bubble wrap, turned and asked me in broken English if I had seen a cell phone, put the bubble wrap back in her locker, and left.

I mean, your guess is as good as mine on the bubble wrap.


1 comment:

Laura Dickinson-Turner said...

SHUT UP! That is where my ex-boyfriend works out -- we used to go together at times -- and I was always vaguely afraid of that place....yet, because I was there with my man, I was safe.