Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rennovation, Beezies!

I'm stuck in a rut!  A deep, muddy, slushy, snowy, ugly, bumpy, slippery rut!  And that's all there is to it.

But, Chelsea, what does a girl like you do when you're stuck in such descriptive rut, you ask?  Well, I'll tell ya.  MAKEOVERRRRR!

But not like a run-out-to-Bloomie's-with-your-Visa type makeover.  An inner makeover.  (Oooh!  Aaaah!)  You put new music in your book.  You take classes.  You go to lessons.  You do things that you didn't do before because they made you totally uncomfortable.  You stretch your limits until they're new limits and then you stretch those limits, because who ever said that this career was comfortable or easy?  Not I.  And you do all this stuff, and little by little, day by day, you feel a bit more confident and proud of yourself for being your own trainer/cheerleader/teacher/goal-setter/etc. 

So that's where we are.  We're not banging our heads against walls any more, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

I just had a birthday (my 29th, to be exact, and it was pretty fabulous), and one of my cousins sent me a little surprise letter.  I haven't spoken to him in years, and we don't really know each others' deal any more, but at the bottom of the letter, he wrote this:  "The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary."  And I was totally blown away and thankful, because somehow, he knew exactly what I needed to hear to make amazing things happen during my 29th year.

So watch out.  This chickie's on the move.


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