Thursday, June 17, 2010

Magic People

Editor's (AKA Yours Truly) Note:  This entry previously existed on my Tumblr account.  Bailed from Tumblr.  Didn't want to lose the entry.  Sorry if it's a repeat for some of ya'll.
Have you ever come across one of those people who seems to be magic?  And they live their lives with such passion and love and total abandon that you just get willingly sucked right into their whirlwind of joy?  And they make you feel like you can do it too, and some of their joy gets rubbed off on you, and for a while, you are invincible -- you are kinder, happier, luckier, more peaceful in who you are, find the good in more things, walk with a bounce in your step, and on and on.  And then maybe you don't see them for a while and it fades, but you know that it's there somewhere, if you can just try to find it again.
The thing is, I want to be my own magic person.  I want to be able to find that feeling, and help other people feel it, and make the world better by spreading it all around.  I feel it, right at the end of my fingertips, vibrating like it's tempting me to come and get it.  It sparks up sometimes, and I feel all my feelings and I live in them, and I sing, and I pray (which sometimes are the same thing), and it's the best feeling ever.
And I think everyone is secretly a magic person.  I think it's just a matter of realizing it, and that actually takes practice.  Practice!  Huh.
So that's one of my new goals.  Practice joy.  Cultivate love.  Be magic.

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