Saturday, December 6, 2008


New York chose the perfect day in my December to snow for the first time. Today Ryan, Nick, and I found the most perfect tree in all of Manhattan (albeit obtained from a particularly rude hippie), and got it set up & decorated with particularly awesome ornaments (let's just say that instead of a star on the top of our tree, we have a peacock). We proceeded to make the tastiest pizza ever, which I washed down with some rockin' Two-Buck Chuck. Not a picky wine drinker am I. Then, in the midst of one of my many recent knitting frenzies, Nick ran into the living room and proclaimed (in a British accent, as usual) that there was snow! So, naturally, I put on my down jacket and my fake Uggs right over my sweatpants and we ran outside to take pictures.

Clearly the most awesome December day ever.

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